Custom Cannabis Packaging vs. Stock Packaging

Custom Cannabis Packaging vs. Stock Packaging

February 24, 2022

Packaging says a lot about your product. It’s the first thing your new customers see, and for some products, such as pre-rolls, it’s the only distinguishing factor between your product and its competitors. So, you probably want high-end custom cannabis packaging to show off your wares… or do you? Custom packaging can be a huge... [continue]

Cannabis Packaging Regulations in Canada vs. the United States

Cannabis Packaging Regulations in Canada vs. the United States

November 16, 2021

Following the ever-changing landscape of cannabis legislation is essential for any business. This is particularly true for companies shipping in the U.S. or Canada. The rules vary with starkly different federal circumstances between Canada and the United States.  Currently the United States market is reliant on state-by-state legislation, creating a patchwork of rules to follow.... [continue]

How to Label Cannabis Products the Easy Way

July 19, 2021

That task of labeling — the seemingly simple process of applying an accurate, compliant label — poses big problems for cannabis product manufacturers. Manufacturers must navigate the tricky task of labeling themselves, by ordering pre-printed labels in rolls, or they can work with a third-party service provider to have it done for them. But, depending... [continue]

3 Steps to Innovative Packaging: Stretch, Step & Leap

May 2, 2021

New problems demand new solutions — and the rapid pace of cannabis legalization is creating new problems at an exciting rate. In the world of packaging technologies, cannabis presents novel challenges because of its diverse product formats. Smokable cannabis flowers, for example, have different properties than gummies, which are very different from concentrate oils or... [continue]

The Quest for Easy-Opening Cannabis Packaging

April 20, 2021

Child-resistant cannabis packaging should be hard for kids to open — not hard for adults or medical users.  That’s why AssurPack® is on a quest for a seemingly impossible design feat: cannabis packaging that you can open with only one hand.  Easy-opening packaging is important for able-bodied recreational consumers too because it improves the product... [continue]

Pre Rolls & Edibles Popularity: How to Profit in 2021

The COVID pandemic has created strange opportunities in the cannabis industry. Most analysts expected consumers to stay home and pinch pennies, but the opposite has proven true: consumers spent more on cannabis in the spring of 2020 than ever before. In particular, edibles and pre rolls outpaced overall industry growth, with sales increases of 60%... [continue]

Child-Resistant Cannabis Packaging Technologies and Testing

July 15, 2020

The cannabis industry is driving demand for innovative child-resistant packaging solutions — and with good reason. Emergency rooms across the country are seeing an increased number of cases of child poisonings from toxic doses of products . Marijuana medicines often take the form of baked goods and candies, so it’s only natural that young children... [continue]