Packaging Trends from the Pharmaceutical Industry provide insights for Cannabis Packaging.

Pharma Trends To Watch For Cannabis Packaging

February 26, 2024

Moving into the new year, we like to keep our ears to the ground to see what will come next in packaging. For a business to survive, it must stay ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation, and AssurPack® works to keep our partners ahead of that curve. This article will explore trends in the closely related Pharma Packaging world and how they may inform cannabis packaging soon.

Personalized Product, Personalized Packaging

Pharma will be following the demand for personalized parenteral products or personalized prescriptions. Therefore, their packaging space will offer unique, trend-forward packaging elements not seen before to meet the demand. Examples include scannable QR codes and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology attached to its packaging to provide personalized information about the product inside. We already see similar trends like this emerging in cannabis with scannable QR codes that lead users to Certificates of Analysis (COA) that outline the potency of cannabinoids and terpenoids. 

Growth in Sustainable Packaging 

Sustainability in packaging is a continual concern, especially in the cannabis industry. More and more packaging companies are looking to build sustainable practices in their materials and processes. The world is starting to understand the impact of eco-conscious practices and move toward adopting more of them. People have even shown that they are willing to spend almost 5% more if they know the packaging for a product is sustainable. Beyond national demographics, we know that cannabis consumers want more sustainably produced products, which means they want more eco-friendly packaging. The Pharma industry will continue to develop sustainable materials, and the Cannabis Industry will be able to build on their successes. Some interesting substrates around the corner are compostable packaging, dry molded fiber technology, and post-consumer resin (PCR).

AssurPack® focuses on all aspects of sustainability by reviewing product life cycles, reducing waste, lowering carbon footprints, and promoting a circular economy in the industry. Our product materials primarily focus on using Post-Consumer Resin (PCR). We found PCR to be the best material to use possible because recycled plastic promotes reuse. The plastics we use help keep the integrity of your product intact and help lower carbon footprints in the industry. Initially, starting at 25% of our products, we are setting a goal to have all of our packaging made of PCR in the future. Our customers can currently make their packaging 100% PCR if they want to go with our most sustainable option. 

Counterfeit Deterrent Packaging

Something we see time and time again is brand identities being stolen and used in the illicit market so people can sell their cannabis faster. This inherently hurts the consumer and the reputation of brands that have spent countless hours bringing quality products to consumers. If you go into any packaging district in a big city, you’ll see mylar bags with notable cannabis brands’ logos and cultivar names on them. Packaging can change this problem. Using patented packaging and unique identifiers like serial numbers, blockchain technology, QR codes, RFID tags, and special laminates and finishes on their labels will protect branded products from illicit counterfeiting.

AssurPack® is your partner in patented cannabis packaging. Not only that, but we offer unique solutions that protect your product by design and through innovative designs. When your brand grows, more people will try to capitalize on your success by using your IP; don’t let that happen. 

AssurPack® was born as a company with roots in the pharmaceutical industry. Having top executives and packaging designers hail from this space offers a unique opportunity for your cannabis brand to benefit from our extended experience, knowledge, and innovation in the cannabis packaging industry.

Contact us today to see how we can prepare and protect your brand for 2024!